Zabavan život tate četiriju djevojčica

Simon Hooper svojim je objavama na Instagramu vrlo brzo zaradio popularnost. Naime, taj tata četiri curice svakodnevno objavljuje postove kojima bez imalo uljepšavanja prikazuje život sa svojim mališanima i suprugom

Nedavno je na radar medija diljem svijeta došao jedan tata koji je svojim Instagram profilom oduševio sve. Prvenstveno zato što je apsolutno iskren, veoma duhovit i bez imalo uljepšavanja donosi svakodnevan život sa svoje četvero djece. Najbolje od svega je da se radi o ocu četiri djevojčice, od kojih su dvije bebe blizanke, a ako se u računica doda i njegova žena to znači da je daleko brojčano nadjačan od žena. I to je uglavnom fokus njegove dnevne borbe, kao i nedostatak sna, što se događa kada ga žena ostavi samog s djecom te sve dnevne nepodopštine koje mu klinci pripremaju.

Fotografije uparuje s duhovitim kratkim pričicama, a u rekordnom je roku skupio gotovo 400 tisuća pratitelja. S obzirom na trend uljepšavanja koji vlada društvenim mrežama, osvježavajuće je kad netko na realističan način predstavi život iz svoje perspektive. Pogotovo kada se radi o jednom zabavnom tati.

Nekoliko fotografija pogledajte ovdje, a Simona Hoopera možete pratiti na profilu @father_of_daughters.  I obavezno pročitajte priču uz sliku!

In the absence of clemmie to help & unwilling to pick a favourite to feed first, I created a feeding approach I’ve dubbed ‘the domino’ position. It was lik watching a drinking contest between 2 determined guys who think necking beers will impress women (I tried that myself in my youth, it resulted it me vomiting on the object of my affection, crying, receiving a quick unfriending on facebook & then more crying). I whacked on the max flow teat & watched in amazement as they perfected something I never could – opening their gullets & smashing it off in one go. I’ve never been so proud. Better wind these guys tonight or they may just re-enact their fathers behaviour (although I’d never unfriend them!) #itshouldntbeimpressivebutitis #mybabycandrinkyourbabyunderthetable #prouddad #twins #bedtime #FOD #fatherofdaughter #dadlife #instadad

Fotografiju objavljuje Simon (@father_of_daughters)

Having come home and been on the receiving end of an ear bashing from @mother_of_daughters for….wait for it…..going to the toilet before I helped with the twins bathtime (!) we got them down & all set to work on Marnies new food floor poster. Nausea came over me and my inner artist slowly pulled out his eyes at the sight of pen marks outside the lines, random coloured fruit (no a bananna CANNOT be blue and yellow strips) and the confusion between tomatoes & apples. They even coloured in the white I left deliberately as light reflection. If they’d just let me do it, it would be perfect, but that’s not the point I guess. be creative, just inside the lines before I have to eat my own hands to stop myself complaining! #thisreallyshouldntbotherme #whycantijustletitgo #myposterwillbeamazing #girls #colouringin #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #FOD #instadad

Fotografiju objavljuje Simon (@father_of_daughters)

There used to be a time when Fridays nights meant going out drinking with friends and waking up with a hangover that that would require surgery to remove. However Marnie came home today with the dreaded bi-annual “There are nits / lice going around at school” letter, so our Friday nights are now spent carrying out small scale genocide on colonies of unwanted scalp intruders. @mother_of_daughters & I will now spend the rest of the evening quietly observing each other to see which one of us start scratching our heads first whilst mentally cursing all children everywhere. Awesome. #betteryoustartscratchingafterreadingthis #fridaynightarentwhattheyusedtobe #parenting #keepingitreal #nits #dotheyevenhaveapurpose #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad

Fotografiju objavljuje Simon (@father_of_daughters)

I seem to forget to feed myself sometimes. I can get to 5pm and realise I’ve had nothing other than a cup of tea that’s been microwaved 5 times and has a skin on it that’s thicker than I feel after watching a documentary of dark matter. The twins, on the other hand, get 3 square meals a day spooned directly into their mouths. I tried crouching between them in the hope @mother_of_daughters would feed me too (FYI I don’t have tiny arms) although I was rumbled by Delilah who kicked up a fuss. They have absolutely zero loyalty or compassion for me. Get between these girls & their food and you may just lose a finger. #noidonthavetinyarms #foodoverfathers #arewefeeders #theydontsharefood #nowonderimlosingweight #microwavetea #fatherofdaughters #instadad #dadlife

Fotografiju objavljuje Simon (@father_of_daughters)

